Increase Your Self Confidence With the Help of BOTOX
As a non-surgical form of anti-aging cosmetic treatment, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles worldwide, for Americans, BOTOX has increasingly become a treatment of choice for both men and women since the FDA stamped their approval on it back in 2002. Since then other uses for it have developed, so it has a variety of applications, in addition to younger looking skin, enhance your jawline, lift your nose, neck, lips and pectoral muscles, help fight migraines, and reduce overactive sweat glands.
Combined with its ease of application, convenience, affordability, fast results (within days after the injections), leaves no scarring or other long-term effects and no downtime, both men and women are opting for the BOTOX route. This is good news considering the number one most common cosmetic complaint people have is wrinkles in the face.
Seeing a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or Dermatologist for this treatment is important because as with anything else, there are some risks involved even though it isn’t a surgical procedure. You want someone who has the proper training to give you these injections in a clean, safe environment. The person administering your injections needs to know how much to use to give you a fresh, natural, younger-looking result. It’s ideal for those patients who aren’t ready for a more permanent facelift or brow lift. It is also important to know and limit any side effects, which may include a headache, pain in the face and the site of the injection. More uncommon side effects might be a temporary droop in the eyelid, having a respiratory infection or muscle weakness. When it comes to your body, you really do want the most qualified person helping you.
BOTOX treatments are done by our doctor as part of a series of injections. But it takes very little time, just a few minutes generally, and in less time than having your hair done at your salon. In addition, you will be able to see a difference quickly, within a few days of the treatment. The results are also long-lasting, especially when you have them done every three to four months. And finally, it is also an affordable solution for those who don’t want to invest in plastic surgery.
So if you are ready to enhance your appearance and appear more ageless with the help of this wrinkle preventative treatment, we invite you to contact our team. We look forward to helping you look more rested and beautiful with safe, fast results of BOTOX!