Look Your Best This Holiday Season With a Nail Treatment or Hair Removal
With the holidays upon us, we want to look our best, especially as we might be socializing and having photos taken for special occasions. Your nails and skin will display your overall health and appearance. This can be problematic if your nails are discolored, thickening, or have bleeding and swelling on the skin surrounding the nails.
Nail Treatment
Fortunately, Dr. Jenson and Dr. Edwards can provide nail treatment in Orem, Utah, to address health issues affecting your nails. Possible problems might include any of the following:
-Bacterial infections
-Liver and kidney disease
-Heart problems
-Poor nutrition
-chronic illness
Hair Removal
Your nails aren’t the only thing affecting your appearance. If you are looking for hair removal, look no further than our laser hair removal treatments. This non-invasive hair removal can inhibit future hair growth most anywhere on the body with just a few periodic maintenance treatments. When you come in for a treatment, Drs. Jenson or Edwards will use a beam of highly concentrated light to target unsightly hair growth. It might require three to four laser hair removal treatments to give you the appearance you desire.
If you are unhappy with your nails or have unwanted hair growth, we welcome you to contact Kraig Jenson, PC, Dermatology Center today at 801.224.5200 to schedule a visit with our experienced dermatologists!