Treat Your Acne Today
If you suffer from acne, you are not alone. Acne is a very common condition that causes many people to feel embarrassed about their appearance. However, here at Dermatology Center, we offer treatments to improve the facial skin that is scarred or suffering from acne. The main treatments we use for acne is dermabrasion and dermaplaning.
Dermabrasion and dermaplaning is a treatment that polishes the skin’s top layers, creating a better cosmetic look to your skin. Depending on how deep the scarring is, more than one treatment may be needed. Dermabrasion and dermaplaning can both be performed under local anesthesia. However, Dr. Kraig K. Jenson will be able to determine how much treatment is needed for your specific condition. Treatments can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour and a half depending on your specific condition and how much skin coverage is being treated.
If you have any questions about your acne, come by our office today! Don’t suffer from acne anymore. Come in and talk with our specialist. We are here to answer any questions or concerns pertaining to your skin’s needs. So, call us today at 801-224-5200. Let us treat your condition, so you can have a wonderful and more confident new year!